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1. Do you change the oil in your vehicle?

2. Do you rotate your tires?

3. Do you brush your teeth daily?

4. Do you bathe daily?

5. Do you take your children for yearly school check ups?

More than likely you answered YES!! to the above questions. Our daily living consists of things we must maintain, for them to continue to function properly. Oil in our vehicle is normally changed every 3000 miles. Tires are rotated at 20,000 miles. Our teeth are brushed twice daily. We bathe daily and we are required to take our children for a yearly physical for school.

Chiropractic! Once your initial treatment has ended, your spine and overall health require maintenance care. The progress that we’ve achieved must not be forgotten. Taking one step forward and two backward is not our goal. Would you take your child’s braces off their teeth after two months? What would happen if you didn’t brush your teeth every day or if you never changed the oil in your vehicle? Answer: Without maintenance care, things start a deterioration process. Teeth would start to be crooked again, teeth would begin to rot and fall out and your vehicle would stop working.

All good things in life require maintenance care!!

Your spine requires maintenance care!!

According to scientific research your immune system efficiency is increased from 200% to 400% per adjustment and you are less likely to have a debilitating disease as you age.

Call today to schedule your next appointment

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